Improve accessibility and passenger convenience
with GTFS data
Public Transport Authorities
Empower your transit network with GTFS data for transparency and real-time updates.
Create and edit your public transport network and schedules with our eQrepository cloud transit tool, tailored specifically for public transport authorities. The data, structured in GTFS format, ensures easy editing and ongoing maintenance, ensuring accurate and up-to-date information. Share GTFS Static data seamlessly with passengers, researchers, and other stakeholders in the mobility landscape for enhanced collaboration, informed decision-making, and a more connected and efficient public transport ecosystem.
Transit network
Set up the network with terminals, stops, routes, and depots manually or by importing location data in the eQrepository tool.
Generat GTFS schedules for real-time information. Manage routes, stops, and times to meet passenger demand and traffic.
GTFS Static
Create GTFS Static feeds containing information about transit network topology, time schedules and frequencies for specific calendar periods.
Transit insights & performance metrics
Designed for transport authorities, eQdata provides detailed reports and statistics for data-driven decision-making. This aids in optimizing schedules, allocating resources more efficiently, and planning proactively. The insights cover various aspects such as fleet usage, runtimes, trips, schedule adherence, frequencies, and passenger capacities.
Benefits of GTFS Realtime data
Access to real-time information enhances public transport usage and inclusivity. It allows people to smoothly plan their journey and manage their time more efficiently. Real-time transit data can be used to create optimized routes, prioritizing the needs of the public and contributing to a more people-centered public transport system, as well as to reduce CO2 emissions.
Insights into public transport
More riders. More revenue.
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